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Sirpa Häkli, Aesthetics and the Artist XXVII (The Entombment)

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Sirpa Häkli, Aesthetics and the Artist XXVII (The Entombment)
Sirpa Häkli, Aesthetics and the Artist XXIX (Morfology of Art)Sirpa Häkli, Aesthetics and the Artist XXIX (Morfology of Art)
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Sirpa Häkli, Aesthetics and the Artist XXV (The Decent from the Cross)Sirpa Häkli, Aesthetics and the Artist XXIX (Morfology of Art)

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Muste ja lyijykynä kirjan sivuille (Rubensin maalaus "Hautaaminen", 1612). | Ink and graphite on book pages (Rubens's painting "The Entombment", 1612), 23x30 cm, 2022. *Kirja | Book: Thomas Munro, Toward Science in Aesthetics. Selected Essays. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1956

Avainsanat: sirpa, häkli, hakli, maalaus, piirustus, kirja, thomas, munro, estetiikka, tiede, hautaaminen, painting, drawing, book, aesthetics, science, rubens, entombment

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